If you have word press blog or website then it is easy to connect your website with Google search console and you can submit your sitemap easily. You can add Yoast plugin. Yoast SEO is a Word Press plug-in that assists optimize our website, blog posts and pages for search engines. Not only that, it also helps in getting our blog content indexed in Google and other search engine.
Steps to Connecting Website in Google Search Console
1. Go to your Word Press account and under the dashboard, click on “Add New” under Plugins and search for Yoast SEO. Install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin.
2. After Installation & Activation, Yoast SEO plugin will become visible in the left side.
3. Go to General and then click on Webmaster Tools.
4. Open a new tab and type in Google Search Console.
5. Click on the first option which will redirect you to search.google.com
6. Click on Start Now
7. Paste the URL of your website here and add it as your property.
8. Verify the ownership by scrolling down to get the option for HTML tag.
9. Click on HTML tag and copy the code just between the “” (apostrophes).
10. Go to Dashboard under General Tab and paste the code.
10. Now, click on done.
11. Click on Go To Property.
12. Now go to Google Search Console, click on Sitemaps
13. Now enter sitemap.xml here and press submit
14. It will show you a successfully submitted sitemap notification.
16. It is successfully processed. Google will crawl your website in 3 or 4 days
Now your website has been add in Google search console with XML sitemap.
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This is useful information! Thanks All Tech Facts for sharing the information!
This is useful information! Thanks All Tech Facts for sharing the information!